Wednesday, March 27, 2013

White Holes

Most people have heard of black holes, the vacuum cleaners of the universe, but those same people may not have heard of "white holes." The basic explanation of a white hole is that it's the opposite of a black hole in the sense that light and matter can escape and that it cannot be entered from the outside. That's just the basics. Let's get into the exciting scientific explanations.

If a white hole cannot be entered from the outside, how would matter and light be there in the first place?

The simple way to explain this is that it had to have been there when it was first forming. The complex way to state this is that since matter cannot enter from the outside, it had to have been in the general area before and during the formation of the structure.

Are they, well, real?

No one has proven that yet. There is about a 50/50 chance that they exist.

If they are real, could they be viewed?

Well, since a black hole is invisible and white holes are the polar opposite of black holes, then most likely yes. This is only going by what we know of black holes, though.

Who "came up with" white holes?

No one really came up with white holes. It's rather difficult to explain exactly how this theory came about. Read this article to clear things up. If you do not read/speak English, you can select a language on the bar on the left.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

The Natural Force in the Universe vs. Religion

This is not meant to offend the religious people that may view my blog on a regular basis. I am writing to merely show how the "natural force" in the universe is what people often think of as a "god." I don't define "god" as "one old man in the sky." I define "god" as "a force that drives the universe through its entirety." (Again, this is not meant to offend or argue against anyone's point of view.)

What do you mean by "natural force"?

A natural force is something that causes the universe to "work." The natural force is what keeps everything in check. All black holes suck things in, all galaxy spins, and matter and anti-matter are forever enemies. This is because of the natural force. It basically does what religious people say their god (Allah, Buddha, Yahweh, etc.) does.

What a second! Are you saying that my religion is phony?

No, not at all. What I'm trying to say is, people believe their god to be what drives the universe around its eternal racetrack.

Ah, phew! Is there proof that a natural force even exists?

The answer is, yes. There are four powerful natural forces that make the universe run the way it does. For example. gravity. The most powerful force in the universe is gravity. Without gravity, the universe itself could not exist at all, because nothing would be held together and everything as we know it would collapse.

What about the other three?

The other three are electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force.

Electromagnetism is what makes the magnets work. (Have you ever heard, "Ask a Mormon how magnets work?")

Weak and strong nuclear forces are, well, exactly what they sound like.

Is there anything else you can tell me?

Yes. Go to this blog's Facebook page and give me a "like" if you please!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Big Crunch Theory

Now, this is a new one. I'm surprised that no one has suggested that I write about my feelings on the Big Bang theory already. Anyone who wanted me to write about it is in for an extra-special treat, I'm writing about the exact opposite of the Big Bang: the Big Crunch.

What's the Big Crunch theory?

You have probably heard of the Big Bang theory that states that all of time and space was created in one massive explosion. Well, the Big Crunch is the exact opposite to the Big Bang. The Big Crunch is the theory that at some point, the universe will cease to tolerate all of the matter inside of it and therefore implodes and destroys all of time and space.

The problem with this theory is that it does not specify when the universe will implode. Like any theory, it has its flaws.

What Would Happen to Me?

If the Big Crunch were to happen right this very second, you would, obviously, die along with every other living thing in the universe. No one would survive and nothing would exist. Now, there is the possible that the Big Crunch could result in another universe forming (which scientists have already said anyway).

When Will This Happen?

Well, some scientists theorize that the Big Crunch will take place in thirteen billion years (which is the approximate age of the universe). There is no reason to worry about it. The human race (and the Earth) will be long gone by then.

Why Will This Happen?

Like I mentioned, this will happen because the universe will no long be able to hold all of the matter that exists within it, therefore having a panic attack and imploding (I've heard about people with that same problem).

The big question here is, Will this ever actually happen, or will the universe last forever? It will most likely last forever. Who's to say what the universe will do?