Friday, March 22, 2013

The Big Crunch Theory

Now, this is a new one. I'm surprised that no one has suggested that I write about my feelings on the Big Bang theory already. Anyone who wanted me to write about it is in for an extra-special treat, I'm writing about the exact opposite of the Big Bang: the Big Crunch.

What's the Big Crunch theory?

You have probably heard of the Big Bang theory that states that all of time and space was created in one massive explosion. Well, the Big Crunch is the exact opposite to the Big Bang. The Big Crunch is the theory that at some point, the universe will cease to tolerate all of the matter inside of it and therefore implodes and destroys all of time and space.

The problem with this theory is that it does not specify when the universe will implode. Like any theory, it has its flaws.

What Would Happen to Me?

If the Big Crunch were to happen right this very second, you would, obviously, die along with every other living thing in the universe. No one would survive and nothing would exist. Now, there is the possible that the Big Crunch could result in another universe forming (which scientists have already said anyway).

When Will This Happen?

Well, some scientists theorize that the Big Crunch will take place in thirteen billion years (which is the approximate age of the universe). There is no reason to worry about it. The human race (and the Earth) will be long gone by then.

Why Will This Happen?

Like I mentioned, this will happen because the universe will no long be able to hold all of the matter that exists within it, therefore having a panic attack and imploding (I've heard about people with that same problem).

The big question here is, Will this ever actually happen, or will the universe last forever? It will most likely last forever. Who's to say what the universe will do?

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